Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Massive Update 3/3

So since Christmas life has mostly returned to normal. School started up again and teaching was mostly same-old, same-old. The third-years all have their High School entrance exams (if they choose to continue with school, it's optional past Junior High although your job options may be limited) this semester and they will be finishing school soon. Only a few more weeks. So they are all slowly going crazy with studying or uncertainty about their futures or both. The rest of the kids are just getting stir-crazy because this is the shortest of their three semesters and they're going to be moving on to the next grade soon. Lots of energy in the schools.

I continued going to Japanese lessons, became more of a regular at Gifu Knit Club on Tuesdays, and sung karaoke, hung out, and watched a couple of new movies with friends. Despite this I think I was in a bit of a rut. Which probably wasn't helped by the kids draining more energy than usual. I didn't realize it until recently but I'd been here for almost 6 1/2 months. That's the longest I've lived somewhere without going on a trip home in about 4 years. Since I moved out of home to Prince George anyways. It was time to do something.

Since before Christmas I've been planning a trip to Cambodia with Yumiko. So by midway through January that was really starting to eat at my available brain-cells. Last week we finally pulled it off so soon I'll be updating about that with some pictures (as soon as I can convince my camera to recognize my 4Gb camera card) and a more detailed description of what we did and saw.

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