Monday, November 12, 2007

Rainbows and tea.

As I was driving out of the parking lot (elementary today so it was too far to walk) from work today I had to park and dig out my camera because I saw this spread across the sky in front of me:

I haven't seen a rainbow this lovely in ages! And the combination of rainy day and sun on the harvested rice fields. It took my breath away! A lovely conclusion to a really, really good day with my cute kids. All of my lessons went smoothly and everyone had fun. I feel satisfied with myself :)

I took the whole weekend off to myself and rested and recuperated. I actually didn't leave the house at all for two days. I'd feel bad but I feel so much better after some dedicated jammie time with the cat that I have no guilt. I made raspberry pancakes and managed to get my oven to produce a lovely 'cheesecake' from a packaged mix I bought a while ago. It was really more of what you'd get if you added cream cheese to a normal cake mix but it was still good and didn't burn!

Actually since it's been getting colder I've gotten out my kerosene heater and figured out how to work it. It seems to be quite nice, and though I have to keep my balcony door open a crack when I use it it's warm enough that if I'm in front of it I can't feel the draft from the door. I'm working on finding the right blanket for my kotatsu, too. That's a table that has a heater attached underneath. You put a blanket between the struts where the heater is attached and the removable tabletop and sit with your legs underneath where the heat is contained by the blanket.

My one other concession to the coming cold was to purchase an 'electric pot' which is basically a kettle that heats the water up but instead of letting it cool after heating it holds the water at a near boil for as long as it's plugged in. So now I don't have to use expensive gas heating water repeatedly when I'm enjoying a few pots of tea over the evening or a weekend day.

Unfortunately my schools also lack central heating so I am going to have to look at knitting some fingerless gloves for classes. I already have a pair of leg warmers under construction for skirt days.


Ken said...

Beautiful :3
No central heating in the schools eh? Does it even get cold enough for snow there?

BTW, its snowing here today. Since I raked leaves yesterday, its a good thing.

Ana said...

Beautiful rainbows, and nifty tea things! By the way, have you recieved a box from prince george yet?

Anonymous said...

do you not have heating in your house either? and you brought ur cat over? (its nicole)

Heather Potter said...

Nope, only in the teacher's room. So only when I'm not in class or when I can locate myself near the heater. Apparently it should snow here about 3 times or so. Maybe. This winter. But the first snow in Gifu fell on one of our mountains yesterday!

Oh, good you got the raking done first!

Altogether a lovely combination, I think :) Nature and tea were meant to be.

I haven't received a box yet but I'm sure it will come soon. The box my parents sent last month is taking it's own good time too so no worries!

Hi Nicole! (*hugs*):
Nope, only my heater and my kotatsu. But heck no I didn't bring any of my cats over! Japan is a rabies-free country which means hassle after hassle at the animal counter once you finish the 10 hour flight to the country (and possible quarantine). *shudder* And I didn't find a kitten who needed help outside either. I'm not allowed to have pets here. *cough* >_>

Hollie said...

hi beautiful. been thinking of you. and missing you. hell even dreamed about you last night.
how does it feel to be "grown up" now?
and i love the double arch of the rainbow.
here in the land of pg, it snowed yesterday and there was snow and that was good but then i woke up this morning and there was none!! stupid weather, should just be winter

Anonymous said...

Hey Heather :) Gorgeous pic! And yay for the resting and recuperation. We all need that sometimes. I'm glad you got it :) You sounded like you were needing it before, or at least that you just needed some me time. How do you find the cold in Gifu? Hmm, and yeah knitting might be good :) I'm glad to hear everything is still going good with you :)
I sent off my JET application, so now it's just wait and see. - Messcandygirl

Anonymous said...

Hey heather! :) I heard Japan started implementing a new law where foreigners in Japan and coming into Japan have to get fingerprinted and their picture taken. Does that mean now that you have to go and get that done? *hugs* miss you - MCG