Wednesday, August 15, 2007

August 15th

Yesterday morning I got my bank account set up. Ryan was nice enough to get me set up at one that’s got branches all over Japan so that I can take out money when I travel if I need to. I tried to get a cellphone, too, but I don’t think that’s going to happen until I get my gaijin (foreigner’s) card. They have some pretty neat waterproof ones that I’ve got my eye on.

I tried to go to work but the door was locked so I gave up and went home. I got a bit of cleaning and laundry done (it is so nice to have my washer right in my house) and then Alex called me and she took me to an awesome housewares store where I was able to get some proper summer bedding instead of the heavy quilts in my closet and a few more towels and the like. I spent the evening hanging out with her little girls and then Alex and her husband took Sandra, one of the new JETs in their area and me out to dinner at one of those sushi places where the food travels around on a little conveyor belt.

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