Thursday, October 4, 2007

My first earthquake.

Happened just as I was starting to fall asleep last night. According to Yahoo Japan's Weather Information service it was only a 1 (out of a possible 7) but was a Gifu earthquake! I very much hope that they're all so small while I'm here! It only rattled my house like a train was going by for a couple of seconds and then nothing more.

I don't think it's a really big event though, it was the 10th earthquake in Japan since October started (Yesterday was only the 3rd) and almost every single one is only a ranked as a 1 or 2.


Ken said...

Gives world shaking events a whole new meaning eh? Make sure you keep an umbrella ready by the door - for quick exits on rainy days :)

Ken said...

Also remember that the surface waves often take a little longer to arrive, so if you get a big train rumble it might be a good idea to step outside for a few seconds anyway.

Hollie said...

no sage wisdom from me. AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! glad you survived just fine though

Heather Potter said...

Dad: Oh yeah! Haha, yeah, I've got an umbrella there. I'm thinking of buying supplies for a small earthquake kit, too, but I haven't yet. Probably a good thing to do soon.

Hm, yeah, I think I will step out for a bit if I get a bigger one. I wonder if there's an earthquake watch site I could bookmark for my cellphone... I always keep the gas turned off though, just in case.

Hollie: *squishes* I glad I survived, too. You definitely have the best response though, darling!